POL101Y1 Lecture : POL101 Lecture #3
Document Summary
Pol101y1 lecture #3: the rise of the west and marxism. Twin revolutions 16th-19th centuries, agricultural and industrial. Agricultural revolution: may be hyperbole to use the word revolution here. Industrial revolution: everyone knew, huge amounts of peasants moving in to become workings. Example, cotton , 16 fold of increase. Amount of iron processed into steel in england factories, 10 fold of increase. Luxuries seen as a mere decencies = necessities. Middle class that had risen from manual labour to professional or entrepreneurial status. Industrial revolution: social results: capacity to produce surplus, increased complexity of division of labour (state needed for regulation, new forms of consciousness (political anthropology) Hegel s core is religion and god / Feuerbach, we take everything that is good inside of us becomes an alien being (we are bad, he/she/it is good) But marx: this doesn t go far enough. We need religion/god because there are injustices in the world. Injustices, you must go to the material causes.