POL101Y1 Lecture Notes - Andrew J. Nathan
Document Summary
Edward friedman, why the dominant party in china won"t lose, pp. Welfare people"s livelihoods; that china had suffered under china dynasty and. Manchurian outsiders and now modern china would serve the livelihood of. Was basket case economy now 2nd largest economy in the world. Industry: deng xiao-ping and china"s four modernizations . Flirting with democracy: core set of asian value that privileges hierarchy as a way of promoting harmony, new culture movement (1913, democracy wall (1978, chapter 08 (2008) November 1st, 2010. (1) stability and economic growth: a harmonious society , authoritarian developmentalism, global capital (2) nationalism, legitimation of the cop, resist foreign interference, guard china"s sovereignty, democracy as western imperialism. Why should china choose democracy: normative good, greater socio-economic equity, global peace and prosperity. Why should the ccp choose democracy: transitioning in good times, e. g. taiwan, korea. They tend to win, opposition tends to be weak.