POL101Y1 Lecture : pol382 jan 25.doc

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25 Apr 2012

Document Summary

Served in hoc from 1988 - may 2011: elected speaker of hoc from 2001 - 2011 making him the longest speaker in canadian history, rulings for peter milliken were felt throughout the world, expert in parliamentary government. If so, what changes are practical: advertisement -- sense that pm power was essentially presidential power. But that ad does not fit well with what a westminister parliamentary govern- ment is, which is a cabinet working together. Cabinet government does matter and it does make a difference: reverend grant and john a macdonald. In politics, friendship is loyalty, loyalty right or wrong. Things that have happened since milliken was first elected in 2001: question period, when m was first elected was quite different. The speaker would ask who would be asking questions. He did a balancing act, choosing a certain number from each party. It was part of the way it worked.

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