POL200Y1 Lecture Notes - Lecture 3: Noble Lie, Cardinal Virtues

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28 Apr 2014

Document Summary

439b- the spirit, the desire to see the bodies. In the perfectly just soul we can see a educated moderated appetite. For most, moral behaviour is a struggle: a perfectly just is not just one where reason rules, but one where reason is trained to know and acknowledge good. This determines what class they will be placed in. The question of women guardians: some suggest this is another joke of plato. It will make children attached to all guardians because any if them could be their parents and vice versa: equality is at the cost of denaturalizing women. Education and politics: the central point of the exercise: plays in 3 major ways, plato offers insight about the relationship between education and social change. Shows how an educational regime can bring about a new form of community (how the just city begins). Its not about knowing more, but knowing where (518c: education in the state is the main ruling function.

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