POL201Y1 Lecture : POL201—Lecture 02 September 17th.docx

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16 Nov 2013

Document Summary

The making of economic society and the industrial revolution. Trade guilds ensured that goods are produced in ways that are uniform. Beuaratcratic decision makers decide how much will be produced. Once plan was made it determined scope of production, consumption, etc. With no more for adaptation or changes circumstances. The market command order to create space for a market economy. Until 19th century the prod and organization was done by tradition or. Was governed by social and political aspect of life before. Most relavant way of organzing social and political life was feudal system. Feudal system imp because its emblematic of what happened before. The way goods were produced and circulated and according to what rules. Also imp to think about what needed to be undermined and destroyed in. Inhereited privelge and social relations based on historical obligation. Lords ruled over manors, serfs were attached to manors. Serfs could not move from from manor to another.

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