POL201Y1 Lecture : lecture #2

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24 Nov 2010

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What were the conditions unique to britian that made the industrial revolution that made it happen there, or happen there first the way in which the government was implicated in creating the market. Up until the 19th century the production and distribution of goods was primarily decided by tradition and command. Development of a field of economics, economics production and distribution should have its own sphere big change. Culminates in the general closure act in 1801 land must become a commodity and has to be privatized, the government steps in and passes these laws. Main reason: hadn"t been relevant, wasn"t a great deal you could do with surplus, and weren"t a lot of ways to produce surplus increased productivity of the land. Because land became more productive, concentrated in the hands of a few inventions/innovations: seed drill threshing machine. People began to sell their labor for wages. Most people started to buy rather than produce the goods they consume.

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