POL201Y1 Lecture Notes - Modernization Theory

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18 Sep 2014

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Development generally refers to the process which increases complexity. Development measured by gnp (gross national product) countries with higher gnp are more developed than countries with lower. Critics of development (3): as society develops, people may start to lose their customs, their cultures. Thus, development may not be that good: the development model seems to presume that all countries of the world should follow the western path of development (european style). And if they do not conform, they are deemed as failures". No longer usage of first, second, third" world countries: the term development presumes the goal of wealth creation. Since development measures gnp, they basically measure wealth of the country or puts wealth as the base variable. We measure wealth because of the side benefits, such as health care, shelter, access to food, etc. therefore we should measure human well-being.

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