POL208Y1 Lecture : Realism

107 views6 pages
24 Nov 2010

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International relations j week 3: september 28th, 2010. By simplifying reality we try to formulate regularities, patterns, that explain what has happened in the past and what may happen in the future. Our capacity to make predictions is poor: e. g. Way cold war ended was not the most likely scenario experts had drawn before, peaceful change and peaceful demise of the soviet empire. International relations is largely an american science, started in us in 1950s: started to use s z . Modesty, world politics is full of surprise. Politicians consider theories to be too abstract, too general, not practical enough: tend to reason more like historians rather than political scientists, think about analogies from the past not long-term propositions. Despite this, theories do sometimes make way into world of decision-makers: e. g. George w. bush decided to invade iraq based on theory by bringing democracy to. Iraq, i will transform the middle east into a democratic region, generate peace.

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