POL373H1 Lecture 3: Lecture 3 what is emotion

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12 Feb 2011

Document Summary

What is an emotion: a combination of neurological and chemical response to relevant stimuli, a feeling or awareness of changes in the body as a result of relevant stimuli, a combination of knowledge/perception and judgement/evaluation concerning relevant stimuli. nussbanm and solomon purely cognitivist arguing that emotions are judgment; our judgment on situation changes according to changes in informative reception; our emotion is how we perceive and judge the situations. this cognitivist view does not necessarily entail that our emotions have to be rational (since our judgment can be flawed) but have the potential to be rational. solomon: judgments closely related to sense of ourselves (identity, etc ) will be most likely to trigger emotions. Some others would argue that new judgment/information don"t always change emotions. E. g. relative safety of flight to that of other forms of transportation does not decrease your fear of flying or increase fear of driving: readiness fraction in response to relevant stimuli.

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