PSY240H1 Lecture Notes - Obsessive–Compulsive Disorder, Generalized Anxiety Disorder, Panic Disorder

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PSY240H1 Full Course Notes
PSY240H1 Full Course Notes
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What is abnormal behaviour: using statistical criteria to define what abnormal behaviour is. 2/3rd of the population is in the middle is what is considered normal When you look at the top % though, most things (e. g. intelligence) are seen to be positive, therefore they are not truly abnormal/ pathological. Opposites --> things that most people engage in that is supposed to be abnormal e. g. substance abuse: cultural norms need to understand what abnormal is in different social and cultural concepts. -> potential for cultural bias when looking at statistics. Cultural relativism: no universal standards or rules exist for labelling a behaviour as abnormal. -> schizophrenia is the one pathology that most society believe to be abnormal. 5 kinds of hallucinations: auditory: most common, visual, olfactory, gustatory, somatosensory (touch) have to consider what is normal for different people in different contexts e. g. age and nudity, developmental stages have different norms.

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