PSY240H1 Lecture Notes - Lecture 3: Panic Attack, Hypervigilance, Diarrhea

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11 May 2018
Week 3 Wednesday January 27th, 2016
o Negative affect
o Somatic symptoms of tension
Muscle tension
o Apprehensive anticipation of future danger
o Immediate alarm reaction to present danger
o "fight or flight"
Adaptive versus Maladaptive Fear
Anxiety and fear are normal emotions
o Everyone experiences them to a certain amount
o Not cause for alarm
Becomes maladaptive when it affects your functioning and relationships
o Realistic concerns
o Proportional to threat
o Subsides upon removal of threat
o Unrealistic concerns
Out of proportion to the situation
The source of anxiety is unlikely to occur or it won't hurt you
o Disproportional
o Persists after threat
o Also, anticipatory anxiety
Being in a really agitated state, expecting the threat to happen
Common Symptoms of Anxiety
o Goosebumps
o Sweat
o Heartrate increases
o Nausea
o Diarrhea
o Cognitive
Fear losing control
Sense of unreality
o Emotional
Sense of dread
o Escape
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Running away (flight)
o Avoidance
o Freeze
o Aggression
Lash out, can't regulate emotional experience
Anxiety Disorders
o Basic biological causes
o Basic psychological causes
o Effective treatments
Classical conditioning
o Severe
o Impact quality of life
o Chronicity and frequency
o Interfere with functioning
o Disproportion to real dangers
DSM-5 Anxiety Disorders
Some changes in DSM-5 for anxiety disorders
Social phobia changed to social anxiety disorder
Added some diagnostic labels
o Separation anxiety (used to be categorized as a developmental disorder)
o Agoraphobia
OCD and PTSD are no longer listed as anxiety disorders
Panic Attacks (PAs)
Not a disorder
o Characteristics that might come up in several anxiety disorders
Intense fear/discomfort
Sudden onset and peaks and subsides rapidly (<10 minutes)
Accompanied by 4+ physical symptoms
o Example: increased heart rate, muscle tension, etc.
Cued versus uncued
o Cued
Symptoms come on very suddenly in response to some specific stimulus
o Uncued
Symptoms come up out of the blue (nothing around you to make you feel
anxious or nervous)
Can become cued over time
Panic Disorder (PD)
Recurrent, unexpected panic attacks (PAs)
o Two or more uncued PAs
Followed by 1+ month of (at least one):
o Persistent concern about having another PA
o Persistent concern about implications of PAs
o Significant change in behaviour
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It used to be just an add-on but DSM-5 now categorizes it as its own disorder
Anxiety about places / situations where escape might be difficult or help is unavailable
Many people with panic disorder also have agoraphobia
Situations avoided or endured with distress
o Being in crowds, standing in line, train station, being in the house alone, leaving the
house alone, etc.
Separation Anxiety Disorder
Excessive anxiety concerning separation from the home or primary caregiver(s)
o Usually starts when children first start going to school
Complain about a physical symptom so they can go home to their parents
4+ weeks (6 months in adults)
o Most adults don't recall having the anxiety in childhood
Going to college for first time
o Even older adults might have the anxiety towards their offspring and/or spouse
It's hard to understand because children might have a hard time communicating
Selective Mutism (DSM-5)
Consistent failure to speak in social situations
Interferes with achievement
Duration: at least 1 month
Not due to lack of knowledge of language
Not better accounted for by other disorders
o Not a speech disorder
Specific Phobia
Cued panic attacks
Marked and persistent fear
Exposure almost invariably provokes fear / anxiety*
o *In children, the threshold might be different
Different behaviours/symptoms
Situation avoided / endured with distress
Fear / anxiety =/= actual danger posed
o Example: tin foil
o Animal
Fear of dogs, insects, spiders
o Natural / environment
Heights, closed spaces, sky diving
o Blood-injection-injury
Getting needles, seeing blood
o Situational
Closed spaces, elevators (claustrophobia)
o Other
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