PSY270H1 Lecture Notes - Lecture 7: Anterograde Amnesia, Temporal Lobe, Frontal Lobe
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Learning objectives: describe 2 major types of amnesia. Retrograde amnesia: memory loss for events prior to trauma. Anterograde amnesia: memory loss for events after trauma inability to form new memories after trauma: provide a case history of hm. Lost all ability to form new explicit memories but demonstrated normal implicit learning: performed normally on priming task (word completion/ incomplete pictures, could remember procedural task, describe and provide an example of the repeated reproduction technique. You show someone a stimulus, some amount of delay period, and tell them reproduce and then an amount of delay and ask to reproduce. The stimuli is presented one and reproduced many times after. In general, schema-inconsistent information stands out in memory: list and give examples of the 7 sins of memory. If you don"t attend something, that information cannot go to memory: blo(cid:272)ki(cid:374)g: (cid:862)the (cid:374)a(cid:373)e of that guy (cid:449)ho proposed 7 si(cid:374)s of (cid:373)e(cid:373)ory is o(cid:374) the tip of (cid:373)y to(cid:374)gue! (cid:863)