PSY280H1 Lecture Notes - Lecture 5: Zoom Lens, Parallax, Visual Search

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10 Feb 2018
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PSY280H1 Full Course Notes
PSY280H1 Full Course Notes
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Motion parallax can give you cues about single object. Attention helps us focus on different elements in the world. It"s a selective process, it allows us to pick out one of many stimuli. It generally exists in every modality we have (across all of our senses). It"s impossible to handle all sensory inputs at once, which is why we have attention that helps us select specific things. Selective attention: ability to process a subset of possible stimuli. Divided attention: splitting attentional resources b/w different stimuli. External attention: attending to stimuli out in the world. Overt attention: directing a sense organ toward a stimulus (moving your eyes/turning your head) Covert attention: shifting attention w/o moving/directing a sense organ. It"s impossible to focus on everything at once. It"s deployed by: things we know (our own decisions/biases/knowledge etc, things we see (most salient items, most unique items etc) It"s determined by behavioural relevance: volition controlled, slower deployment.

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