PSY475H1 Lecture : Lecture notes

103 views2 pages
29 Jan 2011

Document Summary

Gaze and arrow cues is a top down response. Three levels of soa (100, 200, 700ms) long soa = ior (tension was in spatial location but left after a pause) Gaze cues behave differently than exogenous cues. Counter predictive gaze cue most trials, target appears opposite of gaze cue so subject must adopt strategy that"s advantageous. There is enough time to inhibit the gaze cue, therefore attention was at the place it should be and it will override with top down. For hommel et al at 200ms there is a typical ior effect. At 600ms it is enough for ior because attention is kept in area. The arrow cue is compatible with where target appears, therefore decrease in ior (arrow cue is irrelevant) In the identification task, the probe appeared 80% of the time. Testing if the arrow can override the top down spatial bias.

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