RLG100Y1 Lecture : Lecture Notes on Jainism-Jan 22

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5 Aug 2010
January 22nd
- major symbol of the Jain tradition: SVASTIKA
o sacred space ± all Indic tradition
o mark sacred places with the this symbol
o auspiciousness, holiness
Svastika in Jainism:
- the four legs of the Svastika represent the 4 basic realms of rebirth
- include, plants, animal, hell-being, and divinity
- also recognized plants
- center is human
- 3 dots: represent the 3 jewels of the Jain tradition
o 1. right belief of faith/view ± can be shared
o 2. right knowledge ± over the course of many years in practice of the Jain
tradition ± right knowledge will unfold ± insight that develops over the
course of lengthy years of practice ± NOT book-knowledge/shared ±
personally experience firsthand
o 3. right conduct ± right knowledge is determined by right conduct ±
behaving well in the world ± exception degree of emphasis on ethics
- moon like shape: aspiration/desire for liberation ± freedom
- dot on top: focus of one that is liberation ± focus of meditations ± the goal, what we
want to achieve, moksha
5 principles of Jainism:
1. Ahimsa ± non-harm/injury/violence
- Living without exploitation
- Most important ethic of the Jain tradition
- Not causing injuries to ANY beings
- Jains are naturally vegetarian
- Even plant life is to be respected and is to be used sparingly
- Develop a sensitivity ± universe contains many microorganisms ± avoid
harming them in any way
- Take up projects ± save animals and shit
- Buy and release animals ± goal: to rehabilitate animals
- occupations that are discouraged: butchers, executioner, certain waitresses,
farmers, no selling animal products
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Document Summary

Major symbol of the jain tradition: svastika: sacred space all indic tradition, mark sacred places with the this symbol, auspiciousness, holiness. Svastika in jainism: the four legs of the svastika represent the 4 basic realms of rebirth include, plants, animal, hell-being, and divinity also recognized plants center is human. Moon like shape: aspiration/desire for liberation freedom. Dot on top: focus of one that is liberation focus of meditations the goal, what we want to achieve, moksha. 5 principles of jainism: ahimsa non-harm/injury/violence. Most important ethic of the jain tradition. Even plant life is to be respected and is to be used sparingly. Develop a sensitivity universe contains many microorganisms avoid. Jains are naturally vegetarian harming them in any way. Take up projects save animals and shit. Buy and release animals goal: to rehabilitate animals. Occupations that are discouraged: butchers, executioner, certain waitresses, farmers, no selling animal products www. notesolution. com.

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