RLG100Y1 Lecture Notes - Lecture 21: Aparigraha, Para Brahman, Dharma
Document Summary
All in existence is in fundamental relationship. Idea of god, accessible to those who need this relationship. Some means and methods don"t work for all people. Need to act out duty, we are something bigger. Devotion: act on what we are understand to be god"s will bhaktiyoga. Similar to incarnation in chrsitianity, recognize at least 10 occasions of vishnu being sent. Avatara: vishnu"s decent to earth to fix things, not always as humans: prince rama (ramayana, as krishna (mahabharita) 2 popular theistic and cultured practises in hinduism. Emic: different people relate to different forms of origin. Etic: stories express the core concerns, numerous ways to explain. Epistemology: the area of philosophy that has to do with how we know things, our acquisition of knowledge. Both: what we know & how we know it. Ontology: questions of ultimacy or reality, what is reality, how we define what reality is.