ENV222H1 Lecture : March 29 - part 1 only
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ENV222H1 Full Course Notes
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Evaluation of efforts in society, state, market and by individuals p. 1. Factors influencing actors before nature demographics such as gender, race, status - readings state that they are not that significant www. notesolution. com the origins of the environmental movement have been thought to have begun due to class differences (1950s) Does the individual matter in terms of what is happening? relationships in terms of public opinion policies yes: past lectures: ideas having causal form in and out of themselves - e. g. the computing cloud: the ideas shape behaviours particularly under the form of unexplored assumptions. problem: taking ideas as not being connected: you"ve got to have the human being to have the idea. They cannot have causal form unless there are human beings working to implement them. ideas take power b/c there is a benefit to them. in a capital society: value has to do w/private property.