SOC101Y1 Lecture : Chapter 2-Culture as a Problem Solver Sep 17 2008

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23 Aug 2010

Document Summary

O culture: all socially transmitted ideas, practices, and material objects that people create to deal with real-life problems. O society: involves people interacting and sharing culture, usually in a defined geographical area. 09-17-08 (i) abstraction: the capacity to create ideas or ways of thinking. O norms: standards of behaviour or generally accepted ways of doing things. O (ii) cooperation: capacity to create a complex social life by establishing norms (ii) production: devising and using tools and techniques that improve our ability to take what we want from nature. O material culture: such tools and techniques are known as material culture. Folklore: traditional ideas about how the universe was created, the meaning of life and so on. Folkways: norms regarding how to worship and how to treat fellow human beings. Folklore and folkways give rise to material culture which includes, churches, their associated art and architecture etc.

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