SOC101Y1 Lecture Notes - Lecture 18: Demographic Transition, Urban Sociology, Counterurbanization

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30 Nov 2017

Document Summary

Slow population growth in canada, yet worldwide a significant increase: By 2050, there is a projection of over 9 billion people on earth. Virtually all of this growth will come in the lower-income nation, concentrated. The population in many high-income nations will likely decrease over this period. Demography is important because the nature of population affects all aspects of. The subfield of sociology that examines population size, composition, and distribution social life. Increases or decreases in population have a powerful impact on the social,economic, and political structures of societies. Food shortages, unemployment, housing, more pollution, increased classroom sizes, migration (both a cause and effect) Demographers define population as a group of people who live in a specified. Changes in population occur as a result of three processes: geographic area. Migration (movement from one place to another) Population issues and gender growth: the demographic transition.

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