SOC101Y1 Lecture : Families and Local Communities

77 views2 pages
15 Jan 2011

Document Summary

For exam: traditional: everything is connected to each other, changing process: big picture! Family = institution: community = between family and the state (not an institution but has a connection, larger than kinship) The complex toward the losing traditional community: the image of traditional community is often biased and has been focusing only on positive side, the marriage between kinship = overlapped kinship. The selected images of the past: the coexistence of cohesiveness and support in the traditional community and conflicts and restrictions of the shared values, norms and consensus in the community on its members i. Hierarchy of families: old families were superior than the new families and marginalized families. Patriarchy and gendered role expectations: the notion of a family community implies a set of ideas about gender relations, and particularly about the place of women ii. In the context of low mobility over generations, the marriage market was localized and thus strong kin would develop.

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