SOC102H1 Lecture : Social Classes

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Study of inequalities began with marx and he began with the study of the social classes. Two social classes, the rich and the poor. The high, the middle and the low george orwell. Started out as a marxist, but then turned away from it. The difference, is that he is saying there are three classes, not two. Black and while versus black, white and grey. Throughout history classes always clash over power, needed recourses. Marxism its not the great men who move human history, it"s the class struggle. Conflict, from the stand point of class analysis consensus is not the norm. Capitalist society is characterized by conflict, not harmony. Capitalist divides the society into two opposing classes. One class owns the means of productions, 2nd class does not. Humans die if they do not eat, and those who control the means of production, have control over the people who need the food.

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