SOC102H1 Lecture Notes - Lecture 4: Poverty In Canada, Symbolic Interactionism
Document Summary
Text: social problems, chapter 2 & sense of sociability, chapter 6. Economic inequality: large differences in the income and wealth across individuals and groups within a society; differences in the economic power of nations. Classes are groups of people who share a common economic condition (relationship to the means of production) Have and have-not relationship is fundamental to all social relations (forever locked in conflict) Classes should band together workers to protect their wages and working conditions, and employers to protect their wages and working conditions: developing this class awareness is difficult. Employers take steps to prevent formation of workers unions. Today, it is no longer necessary to own a business to control the means of production. Working class is international, a result of global ownership. Functional theory of stratification" we judge worth of a job based on societal values: this theory fails to consider a few things. Why the difference between top-paid and bottom-paid workers is wide or narrow.