UNI101Y1 Lecture : Definition
Document Summary
Definition of sexuality: gender identities, power, public/ private, religions/ values, reproduction/ pleasure, scientific vs. biological vs. cultural, censorship in art, fantasy, sub- cultures. I t is hard to talk about sex objectively when all the above are involved. Sex was only legitimate if it was for reproduction. However, freud brought the idea of a developmental psychology = sexuality changes over time, not constant. Freud comes up with the term libido which begins with hunger, needs an object and involves satisfaction for fulfillment. Instinct stays the same, natural, can"t be changed. Drive never stays the same, fulfilled in different ways, changes over time. Freud argued that children had sexuality too and that sexuality develops over time. It doesn"t just begin at puberty, the ability to reproduce does. Centers around the mouth and the pleasure that the child receives when they are being fed. Adult sexuality is based on child experiences.