Psychology 2070A/B Lecture 10: summary-book-cognitive-psychology-connecting-mind-research-and-everyday-experience-ch-1-12-except-8

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Summary - book "Cognitive Psychology: Connecting Mind
Research and Everyday Experience" - ch: 1-12 except 8
Introduction to Cognitive Psychology (University Of Toronto)
Summary - book "Cognitive Psychology: Connecting Mind
Research and Everyday Experience" - ch: 1-12 except 8
Introduction to Cognitive Psychology (University Of Toronto)
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Chapter 1 — Introduction to Cognitive Psychology
-Cognitive psychology — branch of psychology concerned with the scientific study of the mind
Cognitive Psychology: Studying the Mind
-What is the mind?
Mind creates and controls mental functions such as perception, attention, memory, emotions, language,
deciding, thinking, and reasoning.
-Memory, problem-solver, make decision & consider probabilities
-Cognition — mental processes, such as perception, attention, and memory, that are what the mind
Mind is a system that creates representations of the world so that we can act within it to achieve our
-Associated with normal functioning
-How mind operates (creates representations) and its functions (enables us to act & achieve goals)
-Studying the Mind: Early work in Cognitive Psychology:
Franciscus Donders — Cognitive Psychology Experiment: How long it takes for a person to make a
-Measuring reaction time — how long it takes to respond to presentation of a stimulus
Simple reaction time — asking subjects to push a button as rapidly as possible when they saw a
light goes on
Choice reaction time — using two lights and ask subjects to push the left button when they saw the
left light go on and right button when they saw right light go on
-Presenting stimulus (light) Mental response (perceiving light) Behavioural response (push
-Reaction time = time between presenting stimulus and behavioural response
-Difference between simple and choice reaction time indicate how long it took to make the decision
for correct button — Donders concluded tat the decision-making process took one-tenth of a second
-Important experiment: 1) First cognitive psychology experiment; 2) Mental responses must be
inferred from behaviour (cannot be measured directly)
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Wilhelm Wundt’s Psychology Laboratory: Structuralism and Analytic introspection
-Structuralism — our overall experience is determined by combining basic elements of experience the
structuralists called sensations. — “Periodic table of the mind”
-Analytic introspection — trained subjects described their experiences and thought processes in
response to stimuli (describe in terms of elementary mental elements)
-e.g Experience hearing a five-note chord played on piano (Whether subjects were able to hear each of
the individual notes that mad up the chord)
Ebbinghaus’s memory experiment: What is the time course of forgetting?
-How rapidly information that is learned is lost over time?
-Quantitative method for measuring memory:
Repeated lists of 13 nonsense syllables: DAX, QEH, LUH, ZIF one at a time at constant rate
Determine how long it took to learn a list for the first time, then wait for a period of time (delay),
then determine how long it took to relearn the list
-Savings — determine how much was forgotten after a particular delay:
Savings = (Original time to learn the list) - (Time to relearn the list after the delay)
Longer delays smaller savings
Smaller savings more forgetting
-Savings curve (forgetting curve) — memory drops rapidly for the first 2 days after initial learning
levels off
-Memory could be quantified & able to describe property of mind (e.g ability to retain information)
William James’s Principles of Psychology
-Observed that paying attention to one thing involves withdrawing from other things
Results & Conclusions
Simple reaction time Vs.
Choice reaction time
Choice reaction time takes 1/10
sec longer; therefore it takes
1/10 sec to make a decision
First cognitive psychology
experiment; mental responses can
be inferred from behaviour
Analytic introspection
No reliable results
Established the first laboratory of
scientific psychology
Savings method to
measure forgetting
Forgetting occurs rapidly in the
first 1 ~ 2 days after original
Quantitative measurement of mental
No experiments;
reported observations
Descriptions of a wide range of
First psychology textbook
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