BIO 110 Lecture Notes - Lecture 1: Atomic Number, Magnesium, Sulfur

71 views3 pages
27 Sep 2016

Document Summary

Bio 110 lecture #1 life science. Two main approaches: discovery science & hypothesis-based science. Discovery science in which a scientist makes conclusions/statements based on observations or data gathered over time (ex. Cell theory all organisms are made up of cells; genomics) In biology at many levels (biosphere, ecosystem, animal/organism, cells/molecules); very broad. Inductive reasoning (derives general principles from many observations) Hypothesis-based science in which a scientist tests hypotheses/predictions through experiments and makes a conclusion/statement (ex. Observations > question > hypothesis > prediction > test (experiment or additional observation) Hypothesis-based science is the favored method used by scientists because discovery. Science runs the risk of making the wrong conclusion if not enough observations are made. Living organisms are composed of matter => matter is composed of chemical elements. Matter anything that occupies space and has mass/weight. Atoms are made up of protons (positive), electrons (negative), and neutrons (no charge/neutral).