BIO 103 Lecture Notes - Lecture 15: Telomere, Epigenome, Genomic Imprinting

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Therapeutic cloning involves growing new tissues or organs. Clones = organisms have identical genetic material. Pre 1950s cloning of plants through cutting and grafting: grapes, seedless oranges, other fruits. 1950s research in frogs show scientists that cells from an early-stage embryo can be dissociated from embryo and form identical animals (identical twins, triplets, etc) 1962 frog successfully cloned from adult intestinal cells. 1996 dolly = first cloned mammal from adult cells. Udder cell of adult sheep was fused w/ enucleated egg. 2008 researcher in california clones human embryos through somatic cell nuclear transfer: nuclear dna from skin cell injected into enucleated human egg. Age 1 dna was older than normal 1 year old sheep. Lung cancer in 2003 due to virus contracted in 2000. Telomeres would be shorter dna is older compared to if taken dna from embryo. Epigenome: epigenetics study of changes in organisms caused by modification of gene expression rather than alterations of genetic code itself.