BIO SCI 38 Lecture Notes - Lecture 1: Dentate Gyrus, Myelin, Pyramidal Cell

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11 Jan 2020

Document Summary

The pattern of genes that cell expresses. The functional unit of dna that contains the elements needed to control the expression of, and information needed to make a protein. The standard dogma of biology, part 1. Transcription (dna to rna) take place in the nucleus. Rna is processed to messenger rna (mrna) in the nucleus. Four major cell types of the brain. Memory is thought to rely upon the ability of neurons of the brain to rapidly, and sometimes stably, modify the relative strength of specific synaptic connections by experience (learning). The long-term modification of synaptic strength requires changes in gene expression driven by neural activity associated with learning. 7- neuronal synapse (the most basic unit of information processing in the brain) 8- blood vessel (neurons need lots of oxygen!) Pyramidal neurons (hippocampus, neocortex), medium spiny neurons (striatum), granule cells (dentate gyrus), interneurons, purkinje cells (cerebellum), etc. Translation (rna to protein) takes place in the cytoplasm (cell body or dendrites)