BIO 346 Lecture Notes - Lecture 10: Uk Biobank, Adverse Drug Reaction, Heritability

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27 Jan 2020

Document Summary

Calculate incidence/absence of disease difference from pattern from observational data. Examine rates of incidence for each disease. How having a particular genotype affects risk for disease. Strength of evidence: p-value probability of observing a difference from population. Association between snp and phenotype - not necessarily causal. Measure reference snps - get info about if they are associated with the phenotype and indirect info about other sites they are (imperfectly) correlated with. Imperfect linkage between snps measuring and snps that cause the variation (as well as indels ) Could possible have many different rare variants that have the same outcome. When they occur - have a big effect. Sum the effects of snps and their ability to predict the phenotype. Calculate: count # of alleles & weigh each locus (larger vs smaller effects. Slope that relates the genotype vs phenotype. Best estimate for what can be predicted (phenotype) from genome. Maybe better for late onset diseases or drug reactions.