BIO 346 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Coronary Artery Disease, Epiphyseal Plate, Twin Study

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27 Jan 2020

Document Summary

Reznick gwas and pgs 2018: how scientists are learning to predict your future with genes. Too many things that control different things hard to find direct causal/correlations between a set of genes and disease. Million people of white, eurpoean ancestry (compared 10 million spots in dna sequences) 1,271 spots significantly correlated with greater # of years in school. Could compute a score to predict a mild/average likelihood of completing college. 50% with a high number of genetic variants associated with educational attainment complete college. Polygenic risk score (tally) conveyed as percentile. Can also be used when its hard to ask a patient (psychiatry) Use in studies to better understand the underlying biological architecture of disease and human variation. Used by scientists to scan genomes in hope of predicting risk of developing conditions (from an early age/pre birth) Fear of the information being misused genetic astrology, insurance, etc. Gwas uses snps (single nucleotide polymorphisms)