CRIM 413 Lecture Notes - Lecture 7: Orbis Books, Extremism, Jihadism

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19 Oct 2021

Document Summary

Our third why? consideration involves the relationship between religion and terrorism. Because of the aftermath of 9/11, terrorism has become almost synonymous with religion, in particular jihadism. Unfortunately, the conflation of religion and terrorism has led to gross distortions and misunderstandings of both. In this module, we will try to provide a reasoned discussion about the relationship between religion and terrorism generally. Learning objectives: discuss what role, if any, religion has in motiving contemporary terrorism, examine whether religious-based terrorism is distinct from other forms of violent extremism. In violence in god"s name: religion in an age of conflict. The clash of civilizations?links to an external site. Study: religious extremism is the main cause of terrorism: this video is an account of when religion is the main cause of terrorism as opposed to it being only moderately involved or not involved at all. Chomsky on religion: noam chomsky is one of the world"s leading scholars in political science.