PSYB38 Lecture Notes - Lecture 3: Edward Thorndike, Reinforcement, Slot Machine

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28 Jan 2022

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Positive reinforcement and operant conditioning and schedules of. Responses that produce a satisfying effect in a situation became more likely to occur again in that situation. But responses that produce discomforting effects become less likely to occur again in that situation. =response -> good outcome -> will appear more freq in same situation. =response -> bad outcome -> will disappear in same situation. Eg. touching an electrical wire, you would probably never touch it again. (edward thorndike) 2-effectiveness of the reinforcer (eg. food can be good reinforcer if you"re hungry, but if you"re full, then it becomes a bad reinforcer) -reinforcer immediacy (eg. needs close proximity behind reinforcer and behaviour -> strengthens behaviour) -reinforcer should be contingent on behaviour (reinforcement should only be applied when behaviour is displayed, after it has taken place eg. give a chocolate after the behaviour is applied) ===non-contingent reinforcer can lead to adventitious reinforcement and produce. Superstitious behaviour (behaviour and reinforcement is not linked,