ITI 1100 Lecture Notes - Implicant

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Lecture 7 - gate level minimization (chapter 3 part 2) K-maps- examples: simplify the following expression using k-maps. A group should contain a maximum of adjacent squares. Each group represents one term in the function. A function should contain a minimum set of terms. Select only those groups that have at least one square that is not covered by another group. Do not select a group that has all its squares covered by other groups. Digital circuits are frequently constructed with nand or nor gates rather with and and. Both nand and nor gates are very valuable as any design can be realized using either one. It is easier to build digital circuits using all nand or nor gates than to combine and, Nand/nor gates are typically faster and cheaper to produce. Design a code converter logic circuit that converts a decimal digit from the 8, 4, -2, -1.