ADMS 1500 Lecture Notes - Lecture 1: Edward B. Titchener, Wilhelm Wundt, Sigmund Freud

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PSYC 1010 Full Course Notes
PSYC 1010 Full Course Notes
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Book: psychology: themes & variations (7th ed. ) by wayne weiten. Interposition: relative size, height in plane, light and shadow, perceptual constancies: tendency to experience a stable perception in the face of continually changing sensory input, visual illusions: Gate in the spinal cord that can be closed, thus blocking ascending pain signals: endorphins are the body"s own natural painkillers. Chapter 5: dreams: electrochemical events that involve the brainstem, areas of the cortex, and the eyes, research shows that the longer an rem episode is and the more active the brain is during. Whether an observer takes action, however, is determined by his or her expectations for reinforcement expectations that are based not only on personal experience but also on the experiences of others. This last point is important because it illustrates vicarious" reinforcement that people are more likely to imitate models who are rewarded for their behavior and less likely to imitate those who are punished.