ITEC 3230 Lecture 2: 02 Cognition Perception Memory

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18 Apr 2023

Document Summary

2023 a. pavlovych; some contributions of dr. scott mckenzie and dr. enamul hoque prince (york) Review from last time why and how interfaces fail: the psychopathology of everyday things why interface design is hard. How we can use this to create better interfaces. "in interacting with the environment, with others, and with the artifacts of technology, people form internal, mental models of themselves and of the things with which they are interacting. " Allows people to make predictions about how things will work. Our mental models of how bicycles work: one can simulate this to know it won"t work! Mental models built from affordances constraints mappings positive transfer cultural associations/standards instructions interactions. If pressing the elevator button multiple times actually made it come faster . E: form intention to act, decide on sequence of actions, execute the action sequence n o i t a u a v.