4 Jul 2019

1a. which is likely to be more deleterious, a 1bp deletion from an exon in the coding sequence of a gene, or a 3 bp deletion? Explain clearly what all the potential consequences of both deletions could be on the proteins amino acid sequence.

1b. how many different 9-nucleotide mRNA sequences could you make that would produce the peptide tyrosine-leucine-arginine? Assume you are using a cell-free system that does not require a START codon.

1c. imagine you have a single nucleotide substitution (an A has mutated to a G, for example) in an exon of a gene's coding region. It reduces the activity of that gene's protein in your cells to 50% of the usual level of activity. Imagine also that you have a single nucleotide substitution in the same gene's promoter region, and this mutation also reduces the activity of that gene's protein in your cells to 50% of the usual level of activity. Do the 2 mutations reduce the proteins activity level via the same mechanism? Explain your answer.

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Elin Hessel
Elin HesselLv2
4 Jul 2019
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