
1. Which two of the following mutational changes would you predict to be the most deleterious to gene function?

a. Insertion of a single nucleotide near the end of a coding sequence.

b. Removal of a single nucleotide near the beginning of a coding sequence.

c. Deletion of three consecutive nucleotides in the middle of a coding sequence.

d. Deletion of four consecutive nucleotides in the middle of a coding sequence.

e. Substitution of one nucleotide for another in the middle of a coding sequence.

2. Which type of RNA chain encodes for proteins?

3. What are the pieces of RNA that are removed from the final, mature RNA chains by the process of splicing called?

4. There are three fundamental differences between RNA and DNA. List two of these differences.

5. What is the central dogma of molecular biology and what are the names of the processes that transmit the genetic information between the key components of the dogma?

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Sixta Kovacek
Sixta KovacekLv2
28 Sep 2019
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