7 Dec 2018

Place the events in their proper order (from first to last).

Events New order of events

DNA fragmentation 1. ______________________________

Increase in Caspase 3 activity 2. ______________________________

Chromatic Condensation 3. ______________________________

PARP cleavage 4. ______________________________

Cytochrome C release 5. ______________________________

2. Give an explanation of why you placed the events in this order and describe each event. You can use pictures, but explain your picture.

3. Describe what method/s you would use to measure the occurrence of each event.

4. If you were to do a timed experiment to determine what happened first, second, third…… How would you do it?


8:00am ________________________________ ________________________________

10:00am ________________________________ ________________________________

12:00pm ________________________________ ________________________________

2:00pm ________________________________ ________________________________

4:00pm ________________________________ ________________________________


8:00am ________________________________ ________________________________

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Irving Heathcote
Irving HeathcoteLv2
10 Dec 2018

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