
Sketch few bacteria viewed withthe oil immersion objective lens after negativestaining.

Complete the below . Simplestaining and Negative staining

Bacterial name, Sketch,Morphology & arrangement and Size*

*Compare the sizes of thedifferent types of bacteria viewed

(Escherichiacoli,Bacillus genus,Bacillussubtilis and Staphylococcus)


. Indicate if the statements below are true or false, correctthe false ones.

a. Our microscopes objectives are parfocal. (T/F)

b. When we increase themagnification, the diameter of the fieldof vision increases. (T/F)

c. Water can be used instead of immersion oil because it has thesame refractive index of the

glass microscope slide.(T/F)

3. What is the purposes of fixingthe smear?

5. What characteristic ofnigrosin helps in using it for negative staining?Explain.

6. What microscope techniquegives a field similar in appearance to that seen in thenegative


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Deanna Hettinger
Deanna HettingerLv2
28 Sep 2019
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