
1. To understand how energycould be flowing in this aquatic ecosystem, list the differentautotrophic and heterotrophic organisms found at each pond, andexplain its role in energy flow through the system.

2. How would the pH anddissolved oxygen change over the course of a day (morning, noon,and night)? Over the course of a year? What is driving thesechanges?

3.Levels of organic wastes from manmade sources such asfood-processing plants, run-off from the lawn, and wastewatertreatment bring a lot of organic material to the aquatic ecosystemsfavoring the oxidation of organic compounds. What would happen tothe dissolved oxygen and pH in the ponds or lakes if a large amountof wastewater is added to these systems?

4. What ecosystem goodsand services does each of the ponds you sampled today provide FIUas an institution? Do any of them benefit you personally? Name oneother Florida ecosystem and describe 2 goods or services itprovides the south Florida population.

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Collen Von
Collen VonLv2
28 Sep 2019
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