
Alexis is a 14-year-old gymnast. Her days are extremely busy. She wakes up at 7:00 AM and needs to be at school by 7:30 AM. Breakfast is usually eaten in the car on the way to school; lunch is purchased in the school cafeteria. The school day lasts until 3:00 PM, after which she heads to the gym. Practice runs from 3:30 PM until 7:00 PM. After her parents pick her up from the gym, they typically go to a casual dining or fast-food restaurant for dinner. Once Alexis arrives at home, she has 1–2 hours to complete her homework and prepare for the next day. She is frustrated by always eating on the run. Alexis is also concerned that her convenience food diet is not fueling her body properly for gymnastics.
Questions: Provide two options for quick, healthy meals/snacks for each of the following: breakfast, lunch, afternoon snack, and dinner. Nutrition recommendations should be appropriate for the sport of gymnastics. Suggestions can be given to both Alexis and her parents.

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Collen Von
Collen VonLv2
28 Sep 2019
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