
The survival, __________________, and size of each cell in an animal are controlled by extracellular signal molecules secreted by neighboring and distant cells. Many of these signal molecules bind to a cell-surface __________________ and trigger various intracellular signaling pathways. One class of signal molecules, called __________________, stimulates cell division by releasing the molecular brakes that keep cells in the __________________ or __________________ phase of the cell cycle. Members of a second class of signal molecules are called __________________, because they stimulate cell growth and an increase in cell mass. The third class of signal molecules, called __________________, inhibits __________________ by regulating members of the __________________ family of proteins. In addition to such stimulatory factors, some signal proteins such as __________________ act negatively on other cells, inhibiting their survival, growth, or proliferation.

anaphase differentiation myostatin

annihilation G0 nourishment

apoptosis G1 nutrition

arrestase G2 phosphatases

Bcl2 growth factors proliferation

biosynthetic interphase receptor

cascades ligand S

caspase M survival factors

Cdk mitogens transcription


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Reid Wolff
Reid WolffLv2
28 Sep 2019
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