
1. Endosymbiosis envolved just once in the history of life. (True or False)

2. Symbiosis is when two organisms cooperate. Endosymbiosis is when one organsism cooperates from inside another organism host (True or False)

3. Complex cells - eukaryotes - are at least 2 Ga. (True or False)

4. Which of the following traits does not define eukaryotes? A. Have sex, B. Have about 1000 times the DNA of a prokaryote, C. DNA is housed within a membrane bound structure called the nucleus, D. Are usually half the volume of a prokaryote, E. Have organelles

5. Stromatolites are a type of: A Body fossil, B. Chemical Biomaker C. Trace fossil

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Jean Keeling
Jean KeelingLv2
28 Sep 2019

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