
True of False: Freshwater environments have a higher concentration of oxygen than saltwater environments.

QUESTION 2 If the difference in partial pressure of gas on either side of the barrier to diffusion is 0, which of these events will occur?

The area for gas exchange will increase to accommodate this similarity.

The constant for diffusion will decrease.

The rate of diffusion will be 0.

The distance thickness of the barrier to diffusion will also be 0.

QUESTION 3 On the x-axis of the oxygen–hemoglobin equilibrium curve is the partial pressure of oxygen in tissues. Which type of blood is most likely to be represented by the right-hand side of the axis? (Hint: the oxygen-hemoglobin equilibrium curve is figure 45.14 in your book on pg 913)

blood found in the left ventricle

blood found in the right atrium

blood found in the superior vena cava

blood found in the inferior vena cava

QUESTION 4 Which of these is an example of pulmonary circulation?

Blood is pumped from the right ventricle to the lungs.

Blood is pumped from the left ventricle to the aorta.

Blood is pumped from the aorta to the cardiac vein.

Blood is pumped from the inferior vena cava to the right atrium.

QUESTION 5 O2 will diffuse from blood to tissue faster in response to which of the following conditions?

an increase in the PO2 of the tissue

a decrease in the PO2 of the tissue

an increase in the thickness of the capillary wall

a decrease in the surface area of the capillary

QUESTION 6 Which of the following promotes oxygen release from hemoglobin?

a decrease in temperature

a decrease in carbon dioxide levels

a decrease in pH

a decrease in carbonic anhydrase

QUESTION 7 How does the medulla oblongata sense the amount of carbon dioxide in the blood?

A. Carbonic anhydrase produced by cells performing cellular respiration is exported and travels though the blood, and binds to a receptor on the medullary respiratory center, which causes a signal amplification resulting in a change in gene expression which results in the production of proteins that will cause the diaphragm to contract

B. CO2 produced by cells performing cellular respiration reacts with blood plasma for form an acid, which increases the pH of the blood, which causes the medullary respiratory center to contract the diaphragm

C. CO2 produced by cells performing cellular respiration reacts with blood plasma for form an acid, which decreases the pH of the blood, which causes the medullary respiratory center to contract the diaphragm

D. A and B

E. A and C

QUESTION 8 Which of the following parts of the lung are considered "dead space"? A. The alveoli B. The trachea C. The bronchi D. B and C E. All of the above

QUESTION 9 Which of the following blood vessels have the thinnest walls?






QUESTION 10 How does the interstitial fluid return to the bloodstream?

A. Interstitial fluid flows into the capillary where the osmotic pressure driving fluid into the bloodstream is greater than the blood pressure driving fluid out of the blood

B. Interstitial fluid flows into the capillary where the blood pressure driving fluid into the bloodstream is greater than the osmotic pressure driving fluid out of the blood

C. Interstitial fluid leaves the tissue via lymphatic ducts and travels through the lymphatic system, which returns the fluid to the veins. D. A and C

E. B and C

QUESTION 11 True or False: When an electrocardiogram (EKG or ECG) shows a flat line (aka asystole), medical personnel will restart the heart using a defibrillator.

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Collen Von
Collen VonLv2
28 Sep 2019
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