
What problems does horizontal gene transfer cause for evolutionary biologists?

It can make reconstruction of phylogenetic trees difficult because it can obscure phylogenetic relationships.
It can cause physiological problems in some organisms, making it hard to study them.
It can make breeding between different individuals of the same species difficult.
Because it is transfer of genes between the same species, it can make individuals look more similar than they actually are.

All of the above

Which statement best describes the maximum parsimony approach to the reconstruction of phylogenetic trees?

A pathway is constructed that requires the minimum number of changes to arrive at the modern species from a common ancestor.
The tree is based on relationships that show the maximum probability of obtaining a set of characteristics.
Relationships on the tree are based on overall similarity between species.
Branches on the tree are constructed from the predicted date of speciation, measured in millions of years.
The best phylogeny is selected by comparing models representing random mutation and adaptive radiation.

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Hubert Koch
Hubert KochLv2
28 Sep 2019
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