
2. The outermost layer of the human skin is called the __________. Dermis Fatty connective tissue Epidermis Ceruminous layer

3. The skin helps to protect the body from ultraviolet rays by ________________. A. Sweating B. Being flexible C. Using pigment - producing cells D. Being waterproof

4. Which of the following is NOT a protective function of the human skin? Protecting the body from chemicals Helping to regulate body temperature Protecting internal organs from abrasion Digesting external contaminants Creating a barrier between the body and ultraviolet rays from the sun

5. Which of the following is NOT an organ associated with the lymphatic system? Tonsils Spleen Pancreas Vermiform appendix Peyer’s patches

6. Tonsils ____________________. (Select all that apply) Are accessories of the integumentary system Are masses of lymphatic tissue embedded in mucous membranes Are regulated by the respiratory system Are frequently removed in a tonsillectomy Decrease in size as the body ages

7. During which stage of life are the lymphatic organs the most likely to be less functional and reduced in size? Infancy and Childhood Puberty Adulthood The size and function of the organs is not related to life stage

8. The two major groups of lymphocytes found in the body are the ___________. A lymphocytes and B lymphocytes Minor lymphocytes and Major lymphocytes B lymphocytes and C lymphocytes B lymphocytes and T lymphocytes

9. The organs associated with the Alimentary Canal share which similarity/similarities? They all belong to the lymphatic system They all belong to the gastrointestinal system Food does not pass directly through them during the process of digestion Food does pass directly through them during the process of digestion Both B and D

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Keith Leannon
Keith LeannonLv2
28 Sep 2019
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