
1. Refer to Figure 9.13. Which photo(s) (A–I) best illustrate(s) the methods of fossilization or fossil evidence listed
below? (Photos/letters may be used more than once.)
Petrification: The small internal cavities and pores of an original organism that are filled with precipitated mineral
matter. Photo(s):
Cast: The space once occupied by a dissolved shell or other structure is subsequently filled with mineral matter.
Carbonization: Preservation that occurs when fine sediment encases delicate plant or animal forms and leaves a
residue of carbon. Photo(s):
impression: A replica of an organism, such as a leaf, left in fine-grained sedimentary rock. Photo(s):
Amber: Hardened resin of ancient trees that preserved delicate organisms such as insects. Photo(s):
indirect evidence: Traces of prehistoric life but not the organism itself. Photo(s):
Types of Fossils
A. Crustacean (shrimp) B. Fossilized wood C. Fossil bee
D. Fossil brachiopods E. Dinosaur track F. Trilobite fossil
G. Fossil dung H. Fossil spider I. Fossil fish

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28 Sep 2019

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