
Immune System Disorders
MATCH the terms with the definitions and/or examples.
Some responses are used twice while others may not be used atall.

A acquired immunodeficiency
B autoimmune disease
C primary immunodeficiency
D type I hypersensitivity
E type IV hypersensitivity

A B C D E the end result of HIV infection
A B C D E a localized or systemic allergic response thatresults from the production of IgEs and the release of histaminesfrom sensitized granulocytes when an antigen is encountered
A B C D E a condition that is present from birth when apatient can't mount a proper immune response due to a genetic ordevelopmental defect
A B C D E profuse watery nasal discharge, sneezing,burning eyes and excessive tear production caused by exposure topollen, mold spores, dust mites etc.
A B C D E a condition that develops in an older child oradult when the patient can't mount a proper immune response due toenvironmental factors, drugs or an infection
A B C D E a hard red swelling or blister at the site ofexposure to an allergen, seen in a positive tuberculin skin test orafter exposure to poison ivy
A B C D E a type of allergic reaction that develops 12 -24 hours after exposure to the antigen, caused by the migration ofantigen presenting cells and T-cells to the site of exposure to theallergen

The answer for ADCDADD is wrong

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Elin Hessel
Elin HesselLv2
29 Sep 2019
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