28 Jun 2018

u have to creating 2 multiple choice questions, (based on those information). You create 2 multiple choice questions , with a brief description at least 5-9 sentences for each question on why you think they are a corect answer and why you think it is good questions.

-Microevolution: evolution occurring within populations –
Adaptive and neutral changes in allele frequencies.
-Macroevolution: evolution above the species level –
Origination, diversification, and extinction.

-The Motors of Macroevolution: Speciation and Extinction

Speciation and extinction rates produce changing levels of diversity.

Interplay between speciation and extinction determines diversity

D1 (diversity) + originations – extinctions = D2 (new diversity)

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Trinidad Tremblay
Trinidad TremblayLv2
28 Jun 2018

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