21 Jan 2018

How did the discovery of three categories of petite mutations in yeast lead researchers to postulate extranuclear inheritance of colony size?

Whereas segregational petites exhibited Mendelian inheritance, both neutral and suppressive petites followed non-Mendelian patterns that were consistent with the involvement of nuclear inheritance.

Whereas segregational petites exhibited Mendelian inheritance, both neutral and suppressive petites followed non-Mendelian patterns that were consistent with the involvement of an extranuclear agent.

Whereas suppressive petites exhibited Mendelian inheritance, both neutral and segregational petites followed non-Mendelian patterns that were consistent with the involvement of an extranuclear agent.

Whereas suppressive petites exhibited Mendelian inheritance, both neutral and segregational petites followed non-Mendelian patterns that were consistent with the involvement of nuclear inheritance.

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Hubert Koch
Hubert KochLv2
24 Jan 2018
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