10 Dec 2018

I have been thinking a little about the origins of life, and wasfurther inspired by this question: How did the first selfreplicating organism come into existence?

I can accept that we don't quite know exactly how, but has anylarge-scale/long-term simulation been carried out?

There have been experiments but they seem to have been on asmall scale. As an example, according to the Abiogenesis page onWikipedia, some experiment which spontaneously formed peptidestructures was carried out by Sidney Fox during the 50s and60s.

What would be really interesting is if there had been someexperiments or simulations carried out during a very long time,plausibly allowing for extremely low-probability structures toform. I doesn't matter whether this simulation/experiment has beencarried out in a lab or as a computer simulation. There is ofcourse the interesting but old "Conway's Game of Life" simulation,but according to my search efforts nobody has really tested it on avery large scale and in 3D.

Again, I'm looking for something extensive, like a decades-longsingle lab experiment or a simulation that has been run foryears.

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Jean Keeling
Jean KeelingLv2
11 Dec 2018

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